Monday, August 10, 2009

English and Filipino Languages

Speaking is the best way in communicating others. communicating in others are very difficult sometimes because we have different languages, some are Japanese, Chinese, Korean and others. But we can communicate to them by using our international language so called "ENGLISH".
English language is very important to us. It is used through out the world. So we must learn English and use it grammatically correct. Here in Philippines we also have many languages were using such us:Ilocano, Bicolano, Pangasinense and others.But in the use of our national language "FILIPINO" we can use it to understand each other.
And now learn to improve your English grammar,not only English but also Filipino.Be proud of being Filipino....


  1. wow naman fren .....sosyalan,,,,,masasabi ko lang it's nice but next time try to make it better and check your capitalization . . .keepn up the good work my fren


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. your absolutely right!!!!

    bot i would like to inform you that ilocano is the term use to describe people living in ilocos... the term for the dialect is iloco...

    anyways...good job!!!!!

  4. nice blog!!!
    keep it up!!!jejeje

  5. muztah biag!!!!!

    cnu ejai,.................
    pakilala muh nanm skin.... jejejejejjeje........
